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Roundtable Marketing Membership
Just because you’re an independent author,
doesn’t mean you need to do it all alone.
The Authors' Allies Roundtable is here to help you create an entire marketing & promotional program over the year without freaking the heck out. Our carefully curated step-by-step marketing system enables you to still have plenty of time for writing and living while building your author business.
They're talking.....
Let's get those books out there!
We will work WITH YOU throughout the year to create your marketing suite together in a small group coaching format. We will be working on:
creating your author one-sheet biography
designing your book sales sheet
creating your media kit
starting your email list
handling your social media
launching your book
scheduling in-person events
getting on Podcasts
creating promotions
selling direct and more
Just $147 per month!
(Inc. 4 live trainings/coaching)
We're going to have such fun building your marketing pieces together. Currently, the month will look like the below. I will be open and asking for feedback to massage the plan to your needs as we go along.
Week 1: Topic Training/Co-working
Week 2: Topic Training/Co-working
Week 3: Planning & Content Creation for next month
Week 4: Feedback/Q&A from the month
Trainings/Events will have video. Workbooks, worksheets
and templates are included.
New for 2025: the option to have the recorded only sessions with Q&A session access at just $47 monthly. RoundTable LITE.
Click the dropdown and choose your membership.